Yesterday we hosted our first Thanksgiving at our house. You might be suprised to hear that with 6 adults, two pre-teens and two infants all in the kitchen at various times we made it through the entire day without any food fights - okay one lil debate on a spatula vs a fork but everything worked itself out! Kyle mastered his first Turkey...thank goodness he didn't listen to a thing that I said about it because it turned out perfect!! So fun to celebrate Tristans first Thanksgiving with so much family...including his cousin Gavin. Thank you Chancey and Lisa for their matching bibs that provided a perfect picture opportunity! Another first on Thanksgiving, Tristan joined in our tradition of seeing a movie after dinner and went to his first movie in a theatre! I was so scared I would be that crazy mom in a theatre with a screaming baby...however true to his form, he slept the whole time with a few peeps in between but nothing anyone but me could here!!! We saw The Blind good! ;)
Tuesday was a day that Tristan will never remember but will always be grateful for....circumcision day! dom dom dom.... I swore there was no way I was going in for the procedure and Kyle was going to have to be there for the both of us...however when it came down to it I couldn't not be there. Our little guy was so tough but so was the rest of the day!!! Thank goodness for infant tylenol!!
Our first long trip away from home was last saturday to go to Tristans aunty Shy's first gymnastics meet in Tacoma....something that we wouldn't miss for the world. She did so good and we are so proud of her! Of course we were almost late getting there, as we often are these days.
Tristan is getting so excited for Tuesday to see Grandpa and Grandma Mike and Jane!!! :)