Friday, November 19, 2010


Tristan had his first birthday on November 8th and was officially one at 2:35 in the afternoon!  Wow...what a year we have had.  I wouldn't trade one second of it!  Of course he got his first real cold a few days before his birthday! :(  So happy that he is feeling better but we did have to give warning to several friends with new additions to come at their own risk!  Either way, we had a fantastic time!  It was so good to have our families at the house and several friends and it made my heart smile to see all the people and how much they love our Tristan.  Luckily Kerry took some pictures and shared them with us!  We were so busy chasing after our marathon runner that we didn't get any pictures of our own!  The pictures are uploaded from Costco and I can't get them any bigger! Sorry! :) 

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Bad Blogger No More!!

Yay for technology! I got a new phone and just realized that I can update the blog from here! I could be jumping the gun t hinking that this is going to improve my blogging abilities but I'm a glas half full kind of gal! Humer me on the grammar and spelling I am doing this from a phone...cut a girl some slack!
Tristan is 10 months old! I can't believe it! Next weekend we are heading to Gav Pie's 1st birthday...that's even harder to believe! Life at the Bailey residance is abput to get very interesting...Tristan is starting to walk! This little adventure of his has already caused zbumps and bruises and mild heart attacks ...bumps for T attacks for Mom!
I'm so far behind I'm not going to try to update and back track but promise to try to stay on top of it!I'm having a hardtime trying to get my video to load! I will keep trying! Check back in a month! Just kidding!

Kyle and Trent playing in the Amputee Gold Tournament
Future Driver and Future Soccer Player!
We call this...Squishy Face! ;)
Playing Pool
Tristan and Daddy on the Fourth of July
Tristan and Mommy on the Fourth of July

Monday, July 19, 2010

Celebrations all Around!!!

Finally, I'm getting this updated!  As a tradition that we started about 3 years ago, we shut off our cable and internet in the summer.  One would think that we were crazy but its so great!  Instead of me getting stuck on Housewives and trying to Keep Up with the Kardashians and Kyle watching the Next Great Moose Hunt or whatever Hunt is happening, we are spending time with our little family.  Playing outside, going on walks or just obsessing over Tristan learning new things every minute.  So, this is my most current excuse for not updating the blog sooner!
In June we had lots to celebrate.  This all started with Moms birthday June 2nd!  The whole family gathered at her house in Tacoma for dinner.  We suprised her with a new Bar B Q that she loves!  It was so fun to have us three girls there with our families and both the boys.  They are so fun to watch together! 
Next was Sheyanne's 8th birthday and where else we would celebrate....none other than Chuck E Cheeses!  True to form of an 8 year old, she had lots of girlfriends there and one lil boy and they all ran around like crazy!  Pizza, presents and Chuck E himself it was a ton of fun.  Tristan thought that the big mouse was edible and attacked his ears like they were a lovely treat! haha!  Very fun to watch.  I just realized when preparing for this blog that I don't have any pics from Mom or Twinks bday, Mom and Jessi if you have any can you foward them to me please! :(
Next we headed east to Bridgeport to help celebrate Dads 35th (wink wink) birthday and Dad and Janes 20th wedding anniversary (no he wasn't really 15 when they got married)!!! :)  The weather was wonderful and the company was even better!  Saturday was the big celebration including a band and a keg...if you ask me you can't go wrong with that combination!  I got all three of the men in my life up and dancing!  Tristan partied like a trooper until he passed out with the band still going and everything.  Kyle and I danced like we were 21 again and I got my dad to dance as soon as they played a Billy Joel song.  Rumor has it, he even asked Jane to dance!  Happy Anniversary to them! :)  Complete with the cops showing up because of a noise complaint it was a great party!
Sunday Tristan went on his first boat ride and loved it!  I'm sure he would tell you it would have been better without the life jacket but either way he was thrilled.    On The way home we stoped to visit my Grandma Joy and Great Grandma Shaw.  It was great to see them and have them spend some time with Tristan!  All in all June was a very fun, very busy month!

Thursday, June 17, 2010


If its not raining and you aren't wearing uggs and a might be summertime here! haha!  The few days that we have had with the big orange thing in the sky have been fantastic!!  Tristan loves the pool and being outside!  He is 7 months old now and reaching milestones like superman!  He's crawling now and getting better at it by the minute.  He's also learned that he can pull himself up in his crib and thinks its very funny!  He gets up there holding on on one side of the crib, forgets for a second that he can't walk while trying to transfer to the other side of the crib and of course takes a tumble.  With a fat lip to prove it.  Grammy Tammy got him a walker and he is a force to be reckon'd with!  Meow Meow is definately wishing she could run faster as she is his favorite target!  Can't wait for summer to actually arrive! :)