Thursday, June 17, 2010


If its not raining and you aren't wearing uggs and a might be summertime here! haha!  The few days that we have had with the big orange thing in the sky have been fantastic!!  Tristan loves the pool and being outside!  He is 7 months old now and reaching milestones like superman!  He's crawling now and getting better at it by the minute.  He's also learned that he can pull himself up in his crib and thinks its very funny!  He gets up there holding on on one side of the crib, forgets for a second that he can't walk while trying to transfer to the other side of the crib and of course takes a tumble.  With a fat lip to prove it.  Grammy Tammy got him a walker and he is a force to be reckon'd with!  Meow Meow is definately wishing she could run faster as she is his favorite target!  Can't wait for summer to actually arrive! :)


  1. I think T needs his cousin to come down and play in the pool with him! That would be fun! I love his lil' swim trunks!

    Looks like your averaging about 1 post a month...step it up mama! :) We need to see more pictures of our little ham! Give him kisses from his auntie! Smooch!

  2. Super cute pics!!! Looking forward to summer n' a trip to that awesome tenino quarry pool thingy!

  3. Tristan - you are 'one' of the lights of my life! Grammy loves you so. We are overdue for a 'date'! Hugs and squeezes!

  4. Lexi, what a great idea to get less techno and more into fun & family. Your pics are great. Tristan is sooo cute and you look wonderful!
