Friday, November 13, 2009


Our little man was finally born Sunday, November 8th @ 2:26 pm., Weighing in at 8 lbs 7 oz and 20 inches long. After waiting very patiently (yeah right) almost a week past my due date my water broke at 10 pm Saturday night and we headed to the hospital full of giddy excitement and nerves. Of course the story does not go on to say "and labor was a peach and he was born within the hour" Oh no, not this Bailey Boy!! After an excruciating 4 hours of trying to be tough and not giving in to the wonderful drugs they offer the relief of my worried although amazingly supportive husband i did just that and gave in and got the epidural (any woman that has gone through labor naturally with no hat is off to you). P.S. Epidural I love you! After another 12 hours of labor Tristan was still determined to avoid the light at the end of the tunnel. With a few heartrate drops (very scary) and a lack of progression we headed in for a very unexpected C-section. Regardless what he put us through -the little booger - he is finally here and he is PERFECT! We are so in love and just obsessed with him!!! Having a baby is all about firsts...first smiles, first steps, first words etc - Tristan was so happy to meet his first visitors at the hospital - Grandma and Grandpa Bailey, Grammy Tammy, Aunt Jessi, Aunt Sheyann and Aunt Kelsey, Mike and Falon, Candice and almost Jill but he just took too darn long! We were there for two days and he also got to meet Aunt Allison, our friend Joe and some friends from work Joyce, Chris, Darlene and Nancy. Thanks to friends and family our fridge and cupboards are stocked with meals. Thank you Grandma Bailey for your special Chicken Noodle Soup, Joe and Mandy for being stinkers and spoiling us completely Trader Joes style, Grammy Tammy for your specail treat for the proud new papa, Aunt Kelsey for the easy to prepare frozen deliciousness. We are so grateful! We are so excited for everyone to meet our lil guy! We couldn't be prouder parents and he is only 4 days old!!!


  1. Yeah...what an awesome birth story! He is perfect and so darn cute! :) Can't wait to see him again on Sunday! And the two cousins will meet for the first time! How fun!

  2. How did all that 8 lbs fit? No wonder you were so uncomfortable! Tristan is adorable. Our family is blessed with two special little boys - it was time for a boy (or two). We are all looking forward to a special day on Sunday. I love you Tristan!

  3. So glad to see the signature big toe has been passed on to a new generation!
